
January 18th, 2009

><accuracy included the proper helm orders, as it no doubt confused more than
>a few folks.>>
>I haven’t seen the film yet, either, but I have been told that you can see
>people’s breath in the cold “North Atlantic” air. The movie was filmed in
>southern California. Now THAT’s attention to detail.
I don’t think any major picture is shot in one place these days, but the
Titanic set was in Mexico – frequently photographed (despite Cameron’s
attempts to keep things quiet) by boaters. As I recall they “sank” the set
half a dozen times. Probably a good thing for the extras that the water
wasn’t 35 degrees . And the folks in the water do indeed look cold.
Eric Bergerud, 531 Kains Ave, Albany CA 94706, 510-525-0930

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