January 18th, 2009At 05:58 PM 1/6/98 -0500, Eric Bergerund wrote:
>>I prefer to believe in the following exchange:
>Lady Astor: “Winston, if you were my husband I would put poison in your tea.”
>Churchill: “Lady Astor, if I were your husband, I would drink it.”
Both exchanges occurred, and both with Lady Astor (who was reared less than
100 miles from where I type this, incidentally, in Danville, Virginia).
The ECONOMIST just printed a grand Churchill tale from the days after his
defeat in 1945 and the gloom and despair that ensued. Churchill was
relieving himself in the House of Commons lavatory when the door opened and
the new Prime Minister, Clement Atlee, walked in. Churchill swung away
from him, still finishing the task at hand.
“Feeling a bit standoffish today, Winston?” queried Atlee.
“Feeling scared,” responded Churchill. “Everytime you see something big,
you want to nationalize it.”
Marc FAX: +540/343-7315
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