
January 18th, 2009

Hi, all-

This week I’ve been re-reading all the messages sent to/from the Mahan list
since it started in December 1996.

Yes, I saved them all, originally, but my reason for reviewing them was to
delete the chaff and keep the “wheat”, so as to free up some hard drive

For the record, we passed our 1-year mark in late December, and we still
owe a debt of gratitude to Dave Riddle for establishing the ListServ, and
to his Dad Bill for suggesting the name.

I’m terribly worried, however, that we have not yet assigned a list
administrator nor established any rules of etiquette. How can we possibly
continue to function without same? ;>)

And, without a doubt, the best one-liner of the year goes to Brooks Rowlett
for this groaner:
“> The experts from the U.S. military looked at the frozen greenish*
> debris….and explained that the townspeople had been storing the jetisoned
> debris from an airplane sewage holding tank.
>snip< *The green is more usually described as blue, and arises from the antiseptic fluid used in the toilet system. This has happened more than once, and as recently as within the last two years: I remember a news report. If the plane's tank leaks, an accumulation on the side of the aircraft occurs, and is liable to fall off as the aircraft drops to lower altitudes and the temperature increases. The moral of the story, of course, is that just because the Cold War is over, the danger isn't: There is still the possibility that you can be hit by an icey BM." ========= I must thank all of you who joined and participated in the Mahan list, for I have learned a great deal in the past year, and I hope for continued enlightenment. Thanks, and keep it up. Tom Tom Robison Ossian, Indiana **Please Note NEW E-mail Address* tcrobi@adamswells.com

The Mahan Naval Discussion List hosted here at NavalStrategy.org is to foster discussion and debate on the relevance of Admiral Alfred Thayer Mahan's ideas on the importance of sea power influenced navies around the world.