What did he do?

January 18th, 2009

On Mon, 5 Jan 1998, Eric Bergerud wrote:
> I can top that one . Last night I watched Leslie Howard’s production of
> SPITFIRE the 1941 “docudrama” of RJ Mitchell and the development of the
> Spit. Howard and David Niven star. (Niven, already a famous actor, went out
> of his way to put his neck on the line in North Africa. Doesn’t fit the
> image really, but there you are.) The film is propaganda but good. Some
> marvelous footage of the Schneider Cup and some fine combat scenes from the
> Battle of Britain.

Agreed, but I’ve read little of Niven’s actual whereabouts during the

What *did* he do, Eric? (… besides “Spitfire” and “Immortal Battalion.”
🙂 ) … and where has it been covered?

Coatney, mslrc@uxa.ecn.bgu.edu

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