Liberty Ship

January 18th, 2009

Tom, you might want to subscribe to MarHst-L and submit these inquiries
there. That list has many experts who can answer detailed questions
about ancient ships and related topics such as whaling and keelhauling.

Send “subscribe marhst-l [your name]” to I
subscribed last year but dropped off because the message volume was too
high. That was even before “Titanic” was released.

> Information, please, on a ship, probably a Liberty Ship,
> named the *Jane A. Delano*.
> Judging from the name, I assume this person was some relation to
> Franklin Roosevelt?
> When/where was the Delano launched, built by whom, when/where scrapped, and
> other interesting history will be much appreciated.
> Also, does anyone have any info on a Troop ship called the *Cape Canso*?

The Mahan Naval Discussion List hosted here at is to foster discussion and debate on the relevance of Admiral Alfred Thayer Mahan's ideas on the importance of sea power influenced navies around the world.