Rush or Ollie North Join Mahan?
January 18th, 2009I like Mahan. It’s informative and mellow. I’ve also enjoyed the lack of a
moderator. However, at present, some of our contributors are illustrating
why so many good lists require one. If Mahan becomes the home of the kind of
obnoxious right-wing hate barrage that pollutes AM radio, you can count
yours truly out, off and gone.
>This evening, I heard about Hillary’s charge that MonicaGate
> is a “Right Wing Conspiracy.”
>While Bob Kerrey and the rest of us are all laughing Hillary off
> we might pause long enough to consider that Bill and Hillary are amoral,
> ideological, and ruthless political opportunists who would be entirely
> capable of seizing “emergency national security powers” to suppress
> opposition and keep power. Moreover, the people they have gathered
> around them are weak-minded — e.g., Gore — or also ruthlessly
> opportunistic enough to play along.
Eric Bergerud, 531 Kains Ave, Albany CA 94706, 510-525-0930