Bath Iron Works
January 18th, 2009Tim Francis pointed out that the article on Bath Iron Works turned out to
be not quite accurate – a good point, since I didn’t crosscheck before
posting it. The author of the LAFFEY article and the sidebar on Bath
production was a Bath employee during WWII, BTW.
AS for Japanese production – well, off the top of my head, Post 7 Dec 41
production would be something like 20 YUGUMO class only the first of which
was in comm. before 7 Dec 41; the SHIMAKAZE experimental high speed DD
(but with 15 torpedo tubes!); something like 12-14 AKIZUKI class AA
destroyers. The rest would have to be MATSU / TACHIBANA class light
destroyers, something more akin to US DE’s (but a bit more powerful).
IIRC only the last few AKIZUKIs and the MATSUs would have been laid down
AFTER 7 December. The last couple of KAGEROs might also have been
commissioned after 7 Dec 41, overlapping the YUGUMOs – check Jentschura,
Jung & Mickel, or the Nihon Kaigun website to confirm. (Note that some of
the last of the AKIZUKI class and many of the ordered TACHIBANA class were
never completed.)
Sounds like we need a wartime USN construction summary by yard, a manner
of presentation we don’t usally see. I thought the National Recovery Act
summary by Yard that Mr. Francis posted was quite useful.