Leonardo DiCaprio aka Ted Hall?
January 18th, 2009Teen heartthrob Leonardo DiCaprio has signed to play Ted Hall (the
youngest WWII atomic scientist … and Sov spy) in the upcoming film
“Bombshell.” I have already read the claim that Hall was just wanting
to make sure things were equalized, so Russia wouldn’t be “defenseless”
against our new power … as though we would have used it offensively?
(Of course, the prospect of having the Bomb gave the *Soviets* the
chance to act offensively … and/or oppressively … in Eastern
Europe, Korea, etc.)
DiCaprio had the male lead in “Titanic” and now seems to be a favorite
son of Hollywood. He may be(come) the figurehead of his generation.
Is he political … yet?
It will be revealing to see who the historical consultants will be.
This is a chance for mass-attitude change. Leftist historians
failed spectacularly with the Smithsonian “Enola Gay” exhibit.
The general public was listening to the veterans … not to Gar
Alperovitz, John Dower, Peter Jennings, etc. … but the veterans
are dying, younger and naiver generations are moving up, and this
would be one massively effective indirect/”artistic” method of
indoctrination … and falsification.
And if Hollywood can give an Oscar to something as distorting as
“Hearts and Minds,” …
Coatney (whose written testimony on the Smithsonian’s “Enola Gay”
exhibit is in U.S. Senate Hearing 104-40).
Macomb, IL