Updates on the Navy Pages!

January 18th, 2009

Ladies, Gentlemen,
I am pleased to announce further updates on my site. There have been a few
biographies added, but mainly, today’s feature is full compatibility with
Netscape 3.0, thanks to advanced methods of table-making…I have begun to add
more photos to the site, mainly by displaying three shots showing damage to
Franklin, Enterprise, and Wasp CVs.


Tim Lanzendoerfer | “I have just taken on a great
Amateur Naval Historian | responsibility. I will do my
Email: BWV_Wiesbaden@t-online.de | utmost to meet it” – Nimitz
The United States Navy in the Pacific War 1941 – 1945
Last Updated: 7th February 1998

The Mahan Naval Discussion List hosted here at NavalStrategy.org is to foster discussion and debate on the relevance of Admiral Alfred Thayer Mahan's ideas on the importance of sea power influenced navies around the world.