A new USN trivia puzzle:

January 18th, 2009

Steve Alvin (having the advantage of still being up when I posted the
trivia) 🙂 was the FIRST correct answer to my trivia question:

> This is a fill-in-the-blank trivia.
> “In the summer of 1946, temporary US Cruiser Division 23 consisted of
> the PENSACOLA, SALT LAKE CITY,and ____________.”

His answer:

>I’ll take Bikini Atoll for $1000, Alex–could the answer be “What is
>_Prinz Eugen_? 🙂
>Steve Alvin
>Dept. of Social Sciences
>Illinois Valley Community College

BTW, many references list PRINZ EUGEN as sinking at Kwajalein in
December 1947. Apprently this came about becaue the Navy didn’t
release the news of her having sunk unitl December 1947. (I found the
item in the news column of the January 1948 PROCEEDINGS). But the DANFS
entry on EUGEN, and the plaque on the propellor salvaged from the wreck
and set up as a memorial in Germany correctly indicate that she sank in
December 194*6*.


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