The Guevera Canal? (fwd, FYI)
January 29th, 2009Part of the treaty Carter signed with Panama contains a stipulation that the
US government will not attempt to build a canal through Nicaragua. I am not
sure what time limit – if any – exists on that clause. So obviously a lot of
people have given thought to the idea. Maybe TRoosevelt couldn’t steal
Nicaragua “fair and square.”
>My apologies to Che’, if I have misspelt his name. 🙂
>Over on CONSIM-L, we are having a lively discussion about whether or
> not the Soviets were ever thinking about building the canal through
> Nicaragua (eventually) and the strategic implications/consequences
> of that. (You’ll never guess who raised the issue. 🙂 )
>Someone has said there was even a SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN on the alternative
> Nicaragua canal … although it was assuming *we* would be building it,
> of course.
>Lou Coatney,
Eric Bergerud, 531 Kains Ave, Albany CA 94706, 510-525-0930