Help (again).

January 2nd, 2009

From Wed Sep 17 14:48:36 1997
>X-Mailer: Microsoft Internet Mail & News for Macintosh – 3.0
>Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 22:50:01 +0000
>Subject: Help (again).
>From: Stephen F Dent
>Precendence: bulk
>Thank you to (most of) those of you who have been kind enough to reply to my
>plaintive request. Unfortunately nobody has yet told me if there is any way
>I can temporarily stop receiving postings to Mahan, only how to unsubscribe
>entirely. I¹d like to be able to partake in discussions sometimes, and so I
>don¹t particularly want to have to leave completely, howeverŠ
>Šone of the messages I did receive was from somewhere that I¹d never heard
>of, saying that I was not authorised to send mail andyway! Which is not
>quite the most welcoming thing to get the first time you join a discussion
>group, and is certainly helping to make me feel that maybe the best thing
>would be if I left Mahan entirely.
>It would seem to be a good idea if new subscribers got sent some details of
>how Mahan works, which would not only make them feel welcome but would also
>prevent problems like this occurring.
>Anyway, to reiterate my original request, is there any way of temporarily
>stopping Mahan mail, or will I just have to say ŒGoodbye¹ to you all and
>un-subscribe, before I¹ve done much more than poke my nose round the front

Posted via email from mahan’s posterous

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