Evi B-Z’s struggle for the truth. (fwd)
January 2nd, 2009 From
>X-Authentication-Warning: ecom5.ecn.bgu.edu: mslrc owned process doing -bs
>Date: Fri, 19 Sep 1997 12:37:30 -0500 (CDT)
>From: “Louis R. Coatney”
>X-Sender: mslrc@ecom5.ecn.bgu.edu
>To: mahan@microwrks.com, marhst-l@qudcn.queensu.ca
>Subject: Re: Evi B-Z’s struggle for the truth. (fwd)
>Precendence: bulk
>Sender: mahan-owner@microworks.net
>Reply-To: mahan@microworks.net
>———- Forwarded message ———-
>Date: Fri, 19 Sep 1997 18:56:02 0200
>From: “Eviather H. Ben-Zedeff”
>To: Multiple recipients of list MILHST-L
>Subject: Re: Evi B-Z’s struggle for the truth.
>Thanks, I’ll try to get the older copies of ARMED FORCES & SOCIETY.
>By the way, Knightley’s THE FIRST CASUALTY was one of the first
>books I read in my graduate studies in Austin, TX, in the early
>1980s. I put this book under the slot- my mentors.
>We’re going to be in the courts next week to try to defend our
>constitutional rights. International pressure on Israeli government
>can soften the military’s stand.
>Eviathar H. Ben-Zedeff
>Department of Communication
>Haifa University
>Mt Carmel, Haifa, Israel