Italian naval history Website
January 2nd, 2009 From
>Date: Wed, 10 Sep 1997 18:11:52 -0600
>From: Brooks A Rowlett
>Organization: None whatsoever
>X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.01-C-MACOS8 (Macintosh; I; PPC)
>To: Amateur Historians interested in 20th century military history >
> Conflict simulation Games
> Jon Parshall
> Mahan Naval History Mailing List
> “Man O’ War list”
> World War II Discussion List
> WWOne Mailing List
>Subject: Italian naval history Website
>Precendence: bulk
>The following URL
>has an unofficial Italian Navy website, covering historical eras from
>the Battle of Lissa 1866 through the current NATO force. World War I,
>World War 2, and the modern era are covered in separate pages contained
>in the site, as well as coverage of Italian Naval heroes such as Lt.
>Note that some recent research indicates that much of our negative
>picture of the performance of the Italian Navy in Word War Two is
>falesely coloured by the fact that most of the writings on it are from
>British or German sources; the British still clinging to their own
>wartime propaganda which attempted to portray Italian forces as foolish
>or cowardly; the Germans doing the same but ignoring the fact that
>they consistently failed to provide the Italy with adequate fuel! The
>primary reference for this is James Sadkovich, THE ITALIAN NAVY IN WORLD
>WAR TWO, which unfortunately is from Westwood Press, a a specialist
>publishing house of limited circulation. Sadkovich perhaps goes to far
>in some of his rehabilitation of the WWII Italian Navy, but nonetheless
>raises several matters which deserve serious consideration in examining
>one’s pre-existing viewpoint.
>-Brooks A Rowlett