Naval/military games of the 1930’s or earlier (fwd)
January 2nd, 2009 From
>X-Authentication-Warning: mslrc owned process doing -bs
>Date: Wed, 10 Sep 1997 12:25:02 -0500 (CDT)
>From: “Louis R. Coatney”
>cc: “Louis R. Coatney”
> “William D. Anderson”
>Subject: Naval/military games of the 1930’s or earlier (fwd)
>Precendence: bulk
>Well thank the gods *some* library has a collection. As simple as
> some of the games might seem, they say a lot about public
> perceptions of military/naval affairs at the time, and (at least
> the recent ones, anyway) represent serious research and/or
> experience.
>Lou Coatney
>———- Forwarded message ———-
>Date: Wed, 10 Sep 1997 08:54:13 -0400
>To: Multiple recipients of list CONSIM-L
>Subject: Games of the 1930’s or earlier
>Newsgroups: bit.listserv.consim-l
> In terms of naval games of the 1930’s one might check at the
>University of Waterloo in Canada which has a games museum believe it or
>not. I once heard that in its collection it had a Bititsh card game
>simulating naval warfare from the 1930’s and a land game simulating tank
>combat from the 1920’s. I think if one would research some British
>sources one might find a few early games of this type, we in North
>America did not really get into this type of gaming until after World
>War II.
>Chris K