Concrete ships in WWI

January 2nd, 2009

From Fri Oct 31 20:26:20 1997
>Date: Fri, 31 Oct 1997 22:27:03 -0600
>From: Brooks A Rowlett
>Organization: None whatsoever
>X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.01-C-MACOS8 (Macintosh; I; PPC)
>To: Mahan Naval History Mailing List ,
> WWOne Mailing List
>Subject: Concrete ships in WWI
>Precendence: bulk
>US built Cncrete ships in WWI: This topic, which comes up every once in
>a while, is covered in an article in the currently-on-stands issue of
>the (US) magazine SEA CLASSICS. December 1997, Vol 30 #12.
>SEA CLASSICS was not a very good magazine in the 1980’s, but I beleive
>it has had a rennaissance in the last few years. It is still ‘popular’
>rather than scholarly, but it is interesting and entertaining again.
>for ordering information, if not in a nearby store.
>There is also an article about the disappearance of the US Navy Collier
>CYCOPS during WWI. Other article cover WWII material, including visit
>of King George VI and Queen to US on liner EMPRESS OF AUSTRALIA with
>gold being transferred to US before WWII began; USS PGM-17 in WWII, and
>Americans who were involved 9sometimes as bystanders) in the hunt for

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