Questions, Questions, and still more….QUESTIONS!
January 2nd, 2009 From
>Date: Sat, 25 Oct 1997 23:41:48 +0200
>To:,, >
>Subject: Re: Questions, Questions, and still more….QUESTIONS!
>X-Mailer: T-Online eMail 2.0
>X-Sender: (Silvia Lanzendoerfer)
>From: (Tim Lanzendoerfer)
>Precendence: bulk
> > Tim:
> >
> > According to the book “Combat Command” by Admiral Frederick C.
> > Sherman, in the fall of 1943 he commanded a carrier task force built
> > around the Saratoga and Princeton. After the invasion of Tarawa, he
> > shifted his flag to the Bunker Hill which was teamed with the
> > Monerery. He took over command of TG 38.3 (Essex, Lexington, Langley
> > & Princeton) on August 16, 1944.
> >
> > Sorry I can’t be a little more specific as to dates as the book is
> > more of a general history of the fighting in the Pacific rather than
> > an autobiography.
> >
> > Allan
>Allan, thanks for the reply. How did you like Combat Command?
>Anyway, for whom it interests. I think I was able to track Sherman, at least
>starting in November 1942 – where he was in between, I don’t know…or I know
>and just don’t know as I type this.
>Sherman became Rear-Admiral and commander of Enterprise when Kinkaid was
>relieved in November 1942. He stayed on that post until Enterprise went to
>Hawaii in May, from when on he was with Rear-Admiral Fitch as advisor to
>COMAIRSOPAC. He then transfered to Pearl Harbor as COMCARDIV2 on Essex,
>conducting operations with her and Enterprise until the latter >returned to the
>States, and transfered back to the South Pacific as commander of >TF38 (Saratoga,
>later Saratoga and Princeton), conducting the famous raid on Rabaul >in November
>1943, and from then on I can track him alright.
>The confusion came because The Fast Carriers is improperly indexed: >the entire
>period above except the TF38 thing is not indexed under the name Sherman,
>Frederick C.
>Thanks again,
>Tim Lanzendoerfer | “I have just taken on a great
>Amateur Naval Historian | responsibility. I will do my
>Email: | utmost to meet it” – Nimitz
> The United States Navy in the Pacific War 1941 – 1945
> The ships, the men, the battles