Further minor updates on the US Navy pages

January 2nd, 2009

From Fri Oct 24 13:47:29 1997
>Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 21:59:34 +0200
>To: mahan@microwrks.com, wwii-l@listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu, >marhst-l@post.queensu.ca
>Subject: Further minor updates on the US Navy pages
>X-Mailer: T-Online eMail 2.0
>X-Sender: 0611603955-0001@t-online.de (Silvia Lanzendoerfer)
>From: BWV_WIESBADEN@t-online.de (Tim Lanzendoerfer)
>Precendence: bulk
>Sender: mahan-owner@microworks.net
>Reply-To: mahan@microworks.net
>I have put up the wartime biographies of Admirals Nimitz, Halsey, Spruance,
>Kinkaid, Clark and part of “Ted” Sherman’s.
>Tim Lanzendoerfer | “I have just taken on a great
>Amateur Naval Historian | responsibility. I will do my
>Email: BWV_Wiesbaden@t-online.de | utmost to meet it” – Nimitz
> The United States Navy in the Pacific War 1941 – 1945
> http://www.microworks.net/pacific
> The ships, the men, the battles

Posted via email from mahan’s posterous

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