Historiography & RADM Morrison -Reply -Reply -Reply -Reply -Reply
January 2nd, 2009 From
>Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 19:06:59 -0600
>From: Brooks A Rowlett
>Organization: None whatsoever
>X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.01-C-MACOS8 (Macintosh; I; PPC)
>To: mahan@microworks.net
>Subject: Re: Historiography & RADM Morrison -Reply -Reply -Reply
> -Reply -Reply
>Precendence: bulk
>Sender: mahan-owner@microworks.net
>Reply-To: mahan@microworks.net
>Talk about Echosssss…..
>The lesson is to set nomail on your mailing lists, before using an
>autoreply to tell people you won’t be on your email for a while.
>Obviously, what happened here is that any message sent to the Prof, got
>the auto-reply. The reply went to the listserver, which distributed it,
>which then sent it to the Prof’s account, which replied that her wasn’t
>there, which again got distributed to the list, and therefore back to
>the prof – so in essence, the prof’s account and the listserv were
>repeating themselves to each other……