Firing during Scapa Flow scuttling
January 2nd, 2009 From
>Date: Fri, 21 Nov 1997 08:28:15 -0800
>From: Mike Potter
>Organization: Artecon, Inc.
>X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.01Gold (WinNT; I)
>Subject: Firing during Scapa Flow scuttling
>Precendence: bulk
>An earlier correspondent’s post was correct that the British fired with
>machine guns at German lifeboats during the scuttling of the High Seas
>Fleet at Scapa Flow. They also summarily shot Germans who failed to stop
>their ships from sinking. German casualties were 9 dead and 16 wounded,
>all by gunfire.
>Dan van der Vat’s =The Grand Scuttle= covers this aspect and is a source
>for the above (pp 175-78; correction to my own earlier post).
>Michael C. Potter, Mgr, TelCo/Govt Programs
>Artecon, Inc. | | mail PO Box 9000
>6305 El Camino Real -|- _|_ Carlsbad CA
>Carlsbad CA 92009 >_|_( |/_>ph 760-431-4465 >_III_ V|/ _III_ |/|_o fx 760-931-5527
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