Scapa Flow Scuttle (was: Warships sunk during Guadalcanal)

January 2nd, 2009

From Thu Nov 20 15:57:24 1997
>Date: Thu, 20 Nov 1997 17:56:59 -0500 (EST)
>X-Mailer: Windows Eudora Version 1.4.4
>From: (Eric Bergerud)
>Subject: Re:Scapa Flow Scuttle (was: Warships sunk during Guadalcanal)
>Precendence: bulk
> >
> >Command, but dont have the issue. The steel is used for specialized
> >radiation shielding. All steel made since 1945 incorporates minute amounts
> >of fallout, so the steel from Scapa Flow is very useful for > shielding. It is
> >the only large source which is not a war grave.
> >
> >BTW, it is not clear that the scuttling was illegal. The High > Seas Fleet was
> >interned, and had not surrendered. This fine point of law was lost on the
> >British, who machine-gunned the crews who had taken to lifeboats.
> >
> >Mike Mullen, ETN2, USNR(Ret)
> >
> >
>My command of the field of metallurgy is not encylopedic, but I am VERY
>skeptical about the radiation shielding. Iron ores or several types are very
>common and finding “uncontaminated” ore I should would be very easy. Up near
>my old stomping grounds near Ely Minnesota there is a ten story deep shaft
>into granite that was used to mine an extremely high quality ore. The tenth
>story is a popular tourist attraction (spooky) and on the 9th you will find
>DOE scientists carrying on VERY delicate experiments on sub-atomic particles
>because nine stories of granite, with a vein of iron ore running through it,
>provides some of the world’s best protection from ultra-violet rays
>(radiation) which might confuse their findings. The Scapa Flow bit sounds
>like one of those “urban legends” to me. If not, it would be one heck of a
>good bit of WWI trivia for us all to cherish.
>Speaking of which…did the RN REALLY machine gun German crews after they
>pulled the plug on the KM?
>Eric Bergerud, 531 Kains Ave, Albany CA 94706, 510-525-0930

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