Italian BB ROMA

January 2nd, 2009

From Thu Nov 20 07:23:47 1997
>Date: Thu, 20 Nov 97 09:05:21 EST
>From: Gordon Hogg
>Subject: Italian BB ROMA
>X-Mailer: MailBook 96.02.327
>Precendence: bulk
> I’ve just been looking through Carlton Jackson’s new book _Forgotten
>Tragedy_ (Annapolis, Naval Institute Press, 1997) which is about the >sinking of
>HMT ROHNA in November 1943 by a German guided bomb (an Hs 293). He also makes
>mention of its armor-piercing “sister” bomb, the 1400X (or Fritz X), >noting its
>use against the ROMA in September 1943. So far, so good. He claims, however,
>that ROMA was sunk “after she had surrendered to the Allies and was was being
>towed into port.” The five or six accounts (U.S., British, Italian) >that I can
>trawl up immediately all indicate that she was underway–in earnest–with her
>sister BBs VENETO and ITALIA (and other ships) toward Malta when sunk.
>Has Jackson uncovered some new Mediterranean WWII lore, or is he somehow con-
>fusing the ROMA’s story with that of the incomplete Italian carrier AQUILA,
>which *was* subject to a tow or two. Beats me. Before I contact him (he’s
>right here in Kentucky, as it turns out) I’m just wondering if I’ve missed out
>on something all these years. I welcome any and all advice or comments.
> as ever,
> Gordon
>Gordon E. Hogg
>Special Collections and Archives
>University of Kentucky Libraries
>Lexington, KY 40506-0039

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