New search for Atlantis (forwarded message) (fwd)

January 2nd, 2009

From Fri Nov 14 12:59:29 1997
>X-Authentication-Warning: mslrc owned process doing -bs
>Date: Fri, 14 Nov 1997 13:56:16 -0600 (CST)
>From: “Louis R. Coatney”
>X-Sender: mslrc@ecom3
>Subject: New search for Atlantis (forwarded message) (fwd)
>Precendence: bulk
>I suppose this isn’t *exactly* naval/Marine history, but you’ve got
> to wonder what happened to the Atlantan navy. 🙂 … sort of
> a Karakatoan eruption of the Rabaul Volcano in my Guadalcanal
> game, I suppose. 🙂
>Lou Coatney,
>———- Forwarded message ———-
>Date: Fri, 14 Nov 1997 15:06:06 +0000
>From: “Dr M.H. Evans”
>Dear marhst-l subscribers: this message was sent to me personally
>with a request that I forward it. This I do, without comment, and
>please do not send any comments to me! I guess it comes under the
>heading of marine history, though I am not sure what Metahistory is.
>Date: Wed, 12 Nov 1997 06:09:15 +0300
>From: Viatcheslav Koudriavtsev
>Organization: Institute of Metahistory
>To: Martin Evans
>Subject: Information about expedition planned
>Dear Dr. Evans,
>We would like to inform you that the Institute of Metahistory, an
>autonomous non-profit organization, and P.P. Shirshov Institute of
>Oceanology of Russian Academy of Sciences within the framework of the
>Agreement on Cooperation between them are beginning preparations for the
>expedition planned for the summer of 1998, with the aim of verifying the
>hypothesis suggesting that Plato’s Atlantis was located on the Celtic
>Shelf, with the capital city in the region of contemporary Little Sole
>Bank 130 nm to the south-west of England, and submerged as a result of
>glacio-eustatic rising of the sea level and compensatory isostatic
>subsidence of that area at the end of the last glaciation, precisely at
>the time Plato spoke of in “Timaeus” and “Critias”.
>The hypothesis was put forward on the basis of analysis of descriptions
>of Atlantis in Plato’s dialogues and their comparison with the modern
>data of geology, oceanography and paleoclimatology. Its latest (fourth)
>version can be found at at the Institute
>of Metahistory Web site. The basic distinction of this version from the
>previous ones consists in that it contains excerpts from Diodor of
>Sicily about Atlantis and the paleogeographic aspect of the hypothesis
>is more profoundly elaborated.
>At the moment, an application is being drawn up for conducting marine
>research in the British exclusive economic zone that must be submitted
>to the Aviation and Maritime Department of the Foreign and Commonwealth
>Office of the U.K. in accordance with the existing procedure and the
>International Convention on the Law of the Sea of 1982.
>The area of intended marine research is the Little Sole Bank and the
>adjacent area, approximately within 48 d 16′ – 48 d 29′ N and 8 d 46′ –
>8 d 59′ W. The expedition is planned to be conducted on one of research
>vessels of P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of Russian Academy of
>Sciences and the marine scientific research will consist in the
>1. A reconnaissance bathymetric survey using an echo-sounder for
>obtaining more precise data on the relief of the Little Sole Bank and
>the adjacent area with a view to singling out the zones whose relief
>makes them the most likely locations for finding the remains of a
>material culture;
>2. A sweeping survey of the seafloor, using a high-resolution (0.1-0.3
>m) side scan sonar, with a view to identifying microgeomorphological
>structures on the seafloor surface that might be of artificial origin
>and could be the remains of stone buildings, walls, moats, ditches etc.;
>3. A survey of the bottom using a profiler for obtaining a vertical
>section of the seafloor up to 5 metres deep, with a view to possibly
>identifying the microrelief details buried by the Holocene sediments,
>and identifying the ancient coastal features;
>4. Carrying out with a towed underwater video camera of concurrent
>visual inspection and video recording of the seafloor and/or exploration
>of sectors of the seafloor on which targets will be identified which are
>of special interest, with a remote operated vehicle;
>5. Magnetometric survey in order to obtain data on the local magnetic
>anomalies, which could be linked to the traces of the use of metals, as
>well as fired clays.
>All research data of the intended expedition will be collected in
>international formats and will be made available to the U.K. as the
>coastal state.
>If you or your Department are interested in receiving these data or
>would like to participate in the cruise on board of the ship personally
>or by adding some devices to the research equipment, please, let us know
>of your wish in writing by post, so that we may take it into account in
>planning the cruise and the ports of call and embarkation, and in
>drawing up the application. If you have some additional questions about
>the technical details of the intended research, you can contact Dr. Lev
>R. Merklin (, Chief of Seismography
>Laboratory, who is in charge of the project from P.P. Shirshov Institute
>of Oceanology. Letters should be sent to the following addresses:
>Viatcheslav Koudriavtsev
>Institute of Metahistory
>P.O. Box #1
>Moscow 117321 Russia
>L.I. Lobkovsky
>Deputy Director
>P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology
>36 Nahimovsky prospect
>Moscow 117851 Russia
>Could you please forward this information to those of your colleagues in
>the U.K. who might be interested in this project.
>Sincerely yours,
>Viatcheslav Koudriavtsev (
>Director of the Institute of Metahistory,
>Member of the Russian Geographical Society
>of the Russian Academy of Sciences

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