Future Navy Tomahawk and gunnery

January 2nd, 2009

From Sat Nov 01 11:34:54 1997
>Date: Sat, 01 Nov 1997 13:34:31 -0500
>From: Brooks A Rowlett
>Organization: None whatsoever
>X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.01-C-MACOS8 (Macintosh; I; PPC)
>To: Andrew Toppan ,
> Mahan Naval History Mailing List
>Subject: Future Navy Tomahawk and gunnery
>Precendence: bulk
>Sender: mahan-owner@microworks.net
>Reply-To: mahan@microworks.net
>On two of the Harpoon naval wargame mailing lists there is discussion
>of future weapons, etc. I provide some information on Land Attack
>Standard out of the 9/97 JANE’S NAVY INTERNATIONAL in an article on the
>future of USN Naval Surface Fire Support (NSFS), and was requested for
>more info on future Tomahawk. Here’s the message I sent based on the
>article, it occurs to me that Tom Robison and Mike Potter might be able
>to add some insights,so ths is going to Mahan list inviting their
>comments. Thanks.
>Brooks A Rowlett

Posted via email from mahan’s posterous

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